Attendance is crucial to a child's progression in learning and many studies show that good attendance can lead to good achievement. Whilst we understand that children of this age can be absent due to illness, any other leave of absence will only be granted in exceptional circumstances. Absence taken without written permission will be unauthorised.
If your child is absent from school due to illness or an accident, please notify us by telephone (or email, but for subsequent absences a call must be made to the office) by 9.00 am so that we can record their absence.
If your child is late they will be marked as the following:
Late: arrival after 8.50 am but before 9.20 am
1/2 Day Absence: arrival is after 9.20 am
In all instances an adult must drop your child off at the school office.
98% Club
Attendance is reviewed on a termly basis and if your child's attendance is consistently 98% or above they will be awarded with a Bronze, Silver or Gold badge.
Best class attendance and punctuality is celebrated in our weekly Celebration Assembly.
Please see below for the latest NHS guidelines regarding bumped heads, diarrhoea & vomiting and bronchiolitis.