
Parental Involvement

When your child comes to Great Bradfords Infant and Nursery School, we aim to give them the best possible start to their education.

As parents we expect you to be fully involved in all aspects of your child’s education and regular parent/teacher/child consultations will enable you to monitor the progress of your child and raise any questions you may have. In the summer term a written report will be sent to you, which includes information relating to their achievement against the EYFS assessments.

We also hold regular events in school when you will be invited to come and share the life of the school. These include class led assemblies, a sports day, a curriculum event, year group concerts and many other activities.  Photos of these events can be found under gallery.  Please see the documents below for our latest workshops held in school. 

Parental help in the classroom and on school trips is also very welcome, and any support given by parents enables us to help the children make the most of every activity. All parents helping in school on a regular basis, need to have an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check. These normally take three to four weeks to come through so please bear this in mind when applying.


Another way in which we want you to keep involved with your child’s education is through helping them with their homework. This is set at a level appropriate to the age of your child beginning with bringing books home to share with you. We would ask you to support their reading progress by hearing them regularly. There is also a reading contact book in which you and your child’s teacher can liaise about your child’s progress.

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